insights | 27.05.2017

5 Tips for Creating an Engaging and User Friendly Website

5 tips for creating an engaging and user friendly website

A high-quality website needs to have a multi-functional design, however, the designers at Xigen know that it’s not just about design, it also a lot about user experience and interactivity. A well-designed website should have the ability to provide basic needs such as implementing web design that improves user acquisition, help you retain customers and increase engagement.

Web design is an excellent combination of art and psychology – yes, we know this may be a little far-fetched, but we’ll explain. Firstly, it’s art because, well it involves design. It takes a lot of creativity to combine certain shapes, colours and ideas to create a beautiful, interactive and user-friendly website – so yes Web Designers are artists. Secondly, an element of psychology comes into Web Design, as web designers need to know how people react to certain things such as pop-ups, colours and design, to know when and where to add them in the website.

So, if you want to know how our talented Xigen designers can create an Engaging and User-Friendly Website, then why not read on?

#1 Simple is better

When designing a website, it’s important to remember that the simpler the website is, the better. Adding too much to your website can potentially take away from the purpose of the website and distract from the content. Adding too much can also make the development process of the website difficult, which can likely disrupt workflow. Keeping your interface clean and embracing white space encourages the user to explore the website as they are not being bombarded with different designs and animations begging for their attention.

#2 Get Social

This one is a no-brainer. The world word has gone completely digital, so what better way to market your business than to hop on the social bandwagon? Adding social sharing in various places on your website makes it much easier for users to share your content, contribute content and finally encourage and perpetuate conversation. Social sharing is amazing for improving engagement, so we’re sure to encourage you to add it!

#3 Use Bold and Obvious designs

People love simple things. When designing we encourage you to try and implement large and simple designs to make the navigation extremely simple. Using simple and bold designs is even great on different devices such as mobile and tablet, which, again helps with navigation.

#4 Think about different devices

When designing, we always encourage you to think about how you want it to look on several devices like mobile, tablet and desktop. This is because not everyone will arrive on your website using a desktop, so user experience must be just as good when designing for different devices. How the user experience performs on different devices also goes in line with SEO. If Google recognises that your Mobile performance is not particularly good, then you could potentially get ranked down, which is unfortunate as Mobile is on the rise and more and more people are visiting websites using their mobile. All our designs embrace this technology and our Quality Assurance processes ensure that your site looks good on as many devices as possible!

#5 Offer the user customisation

Offering customisation can make the overall experience much more engaging for the user. This could mean allowing the user to customize a part of the site such as the elements in the dashboard to a certain product you offer. This gives the user a sense of control and allows them to own their part of the experience with that brand, which will then encourage them to return to their customised space later on.

Whatever your needs are for your website, whether it’s a simple adjustment or a complete redesign, Xigen is ready to place its talent at your disposal. We will guide you through the process, making sure that you can have a website that will compliment your business, that will streamline throughput and that you can, at the end of the day, be proud of!

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