insights | 19.05.2016

Web Development Apprenticeship

Xigen Web development apprenticeship

After studying at sixth form for 7 months, I decided that I wanted to pursue a career in web development. After looking at my options I left school to become a front-end developer, and after a few weeks of job searching and interviews, an email confirming my Interview at Xigen landed in my Inbox.

I started my apprenticeship at Xigen on the 1st of May 2015, almost a year ago today. My first day consisted of me meeting my new colleagues and getting my workstation set up with all the software a web developer would need. I quickly found out how much there was that I didn’t know, but the Xigen office is full of talent, so help is only a message away.

I began working on EDMs —building responsive emails for large clients such as Epson and Acal whilst working closely with a senior developer to ensure that my work was to a high standard. As my skills grew, so did my independence and after a few short months I was completing projects un-aided. Recently appraisals took place and I asked to focus more on WordPress builds. It’s good to find a company that listens to its employees, because weeks later the team was re-structured based on the feedback we gave.

Xigen has a great culture with many bonuses for staff, ranging from complementary cake and drinks, profit related bonuses and games nights and meals out. There are weekly activities such as 5 aside football that help to burn off the cake that we consumed during the day, whilst alternative clubs like JavaScript club are taught by an in-house developer to pass on his knowledge to others. This culture helps to retain the amazing team at Xigen, and I’m happy to say that after my apprentice year I have the opportunity to be apart of that team.


At Xigen, we love hearing about your ideas, projects and goals! Why not see how our team of well-fed developers and designers can help you? Contact us today and speak to a dedicated project manager about your vision.

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