insights | 19.08.2016

Streamlining our responsive emails

streamlining our responsive emails

We’ve learnt a lot in the last few years

In 2013, roughly 50% of email opens were on mobile and that figure is increasing day-by-day with some reports suggesting it is more like 66% now.

Over the last couple of years, we’ve been sharpening our skills and consistently improving our email templates to cater to the needs of our clients and the evolving online world.

Using Litmus, we ensure that our emails are looking great on as many email clients as possible and this includes using certain fall-backs on particular email clients.

If you know anything about email development, you’ll know there are various CSS styles that simply don’t work in most email clients. We often use this handy guide to check what can be used and figure out the best alternative route around it using our knowledge and resources in the studio.

Design comes first

A lot of that is done before the development stage and done by the design team. Our design team make sure to consider all of the flaws and drawbacks of creating an email in HTML and are very experienced in knowing what we can and can’t do.

They also create pixel-perfect designs and have gotten to know each of our clients extremely well to think a few steps ahead of the design process in order to predict what the client usually does and, more importantly, doesn’t like.

Some of the basic things to avoid include gradients and background images but this has led us to create flat designs which look modern and polished.

Development made easier by the design

With the design and development team working in tandem, we are able to create designs that not only look great but are going to be suitable for all email clients and browsers.

In the last year or so, we’ve made a big effort to get all of our clients to switch to a more responsive layout and not only are we producing better-looking emails that look fantastic on mobile, but we are also seeing improved results based on the reports in our various e-marketing systems. This includes things like opening and click rates and also a reduction in unsubscribes.

We are constantly updating our email templates every time we find a new issue with a particular email client and every time we find a better and more streamlined way of doing things.

See more of our work and get in touch

At Xigen we strive to not only produce quality work to the best of our abilities, but we aim to deliver it in the shortest time frame possible, making sure everything has been double-checked and tested by our new Quality Assurance team.

If you feel like your company needs a boost in email marketing, feel free to get in touch with us to discuss it further and see what we can specifically do to help.

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