insights | 16.05.2016

My Web Design Apprenticeship

Xigen my wed design apprenticeship

I was lucky enough to be given a fantastic opportunity to become a web developer apprentice at Xigen. Coming into my fourth month here, being surrounded by a team of professionals, my confidence and skill set has grown rapidly. The openness of my colleagues and the ability to be able to chat to them about any issues I am having has been very helpful.

We are always encouraged to learn more and challenge ourselves with area’s we may not be as familiar with. There are always new and up to date resources to pick up and learn, and it’s always nice to be able to see our teams develop.

The synergy between our teams has been something I was unfamiliar with previously. From back-end development to design and front-end development, there is a strong communication link which makes it a lot less daunting to go and speak to someone as a new apprentice!

My favourite thing so far about working for Xigen has to be the fact that there are so many different projects, keeping each day fresh, different and challenging.

Working for Xigen I have found that there are so many opportunities to get to know each other and make friends, whether that’s movie nights, retro game nights, 5 a side football, dinners and plenty more!

Being an apprentice at Xigen has given me a great scope into how much I can develop in the coming months!


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