insights | 08.11.2022

Top 3 eCommerce myths busted!

Article topics
  1. Myth 1: Customers are only interested in the lowest prices
  2. Myth 2. If your products are great, you don’t need to market them
  3. Myth 3. You have to choose between eCommerce or offline retail – you can’t do both
  4. Still confused by the myths and the reality? We’re here to help

Xigen has been around since the year 2000. Back then, dial-up modems were still a thing, mobile phones weren’t internet-ready, and Facebook was four years away from release!

We’ve seen a lot in our time, including many myths about launching an online store. We want to make eCommerce as easy and simple to understand as possible, and are dedicated to unravelling some of the most common misconceptions.

Here are three of them:

Myth 1: Customers are only interested in the lowest prices

Reality: Most customers will pay more money for a better experience

When you launch your eCommerce store, one of the first things you need to consider is your price point. We’ve seen many business ‘experts’ say you should ‘pile it high, sell it cheap’ to draw shoppers in.

However, this strategy can do more harm than good, with only 38% of shoppers rating price as the most important factor.

When you lower your prices too much, there is no longer any flex, and you can’t reward faithful shoppers with offers, loyalty schemes, or discounts. Low prices can even scare away some customers as they associate low prices with poor quality.

So, what do customers value if they aren’t interested in the lowest prices? Customer experience. 86% of shoppers are willing to pay more for great service and a personalised customer journey.

Think about the last time you received exceptional service from a brand. This could have been a quick response to a question, a discount to say thank you for your custom, or a personalised email showcasing products you may like. These are the actions that make shoppers more likely to buy again, become brand advocates, and, most importantly, be willing to pay more for your wares.

Myth 2. If your products are great, you don’t need to market them

Reality: You need to market your products to stand out from the crowd

Tesla is well known for not using advertising to promote its products. Compared to other automotive businesses that spend billions of pounds a year on print advertising, television spots and event sponsorship, the brand focuses on word-of-mouth advertising.

However, Tesla is the exception rather than the norm.

The eCommerce sector is incredibly competitive, with over 580,000 eCommerce websites in the UK alone. This means that if you want to stand out from your competitors and highlight the benefits of your products, marketing isn’t optional.

The good news is that there are several different ways you can market your product, no matter how small your budget or the size of your marketing team. For example, search engine optimisation (SEO) is a great, long-lasting way to boost your presence in the search engines, while pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is ideal for short-term campaigns.

Myth 3. You have to choose between eCommerce or offline retail – you can’t do both

Reality: As long as your physical and online sales efforts are joined up, you don’t have to pick!

If you operate brick-and-mortar stores and have considered eCommerce, you may have been told that doing so will damage your high-street presence.

It’s true that eCommerce sales have increased at the expense of offline retail. In 2007 internet sales accounted for only 3.4% of total retail sales in the UK, compared to 30.7% in 2021.

However, customers still appreciate having the best of both worlds. According to Marketing Sherpa, over a third of customers say their retail experience would be improved if there was an easier transition between online and offline shopping.

Omnichannel eCommerce concerns a sales approach that uses multiple channels. For example, a customer could see your product in-store, research it on your website, order online and go back into your store to pick it up. The key is providing a consistent, seamless approach that keeps your customers happy, no matter where they shop.

Still confused by the myths and the reality? We’re here to help

If the world of eCommerce feels challenging, we’re here to support you.

Our team of eCommerce and digital marketing specialists will build, optimise and promote your website, bringing you sales and boosting your return on investment.

Contact us today and see how we can help your business.

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